
出发日期:2023年8月2日 – 8月9日








D1 Toronto 多倫多 – Varadero 巴拉德羅 (WG684航班 06:15-09:30,航班和時間可能變動,Flight might change)

自行前往皮爾遜機場3號航站樓Sunwing Airlines櫃檯集合(可提供接送機場服務,費用另計),中文導遊協助您辦理登機手續,飛往古巴度假天堂-巴拉德羅(Varadero),下榻於當地五星海景之豪華大酒店,24小時任吃任喝。

Go to YYZ Airport terminal 3 Sunwing Airlines meet tour guide and flight check in, Fly to Varadero Cuba,hotel check in, foods and drinks all inclusive, serve 24/7.

D2 巴拉德羅Varadero【指定專案】Must visit program


Go shopping at the local tourist market,take horse wagon to visit some well known sightseeing spots .Take local classic old car , visit natural and historic spots, enjoy Sunset.

 D3 巴拉德羅Varadero – 哈瓦那首都 Havana– 巴拉德羅Varadero【自選專案】Optional program– USD$90/p

首都哈瓦那參觀古城堡,手工製作雪茄/蘭姆酒作坊。聯合國教科文組織列明的世界歷史文化遺產之哈瓦那老城中,您可以看到百年經典建築:大教堂,老廣場,聖弗朗西斯科廣場, 武器廣場,總督府,皇家城堡等等;大文豪海明威最鍾愛的“五分錢酒館”裏,最著名薄荷味雞尾酒 Mojito品味。在新城參觀:國會大廈、革命廣場、唐人街、哈瓦那大學等。安排特色古巴午餐或中餐。酒店享用豐富自助晚餐,晚上觀看大型歌舞表演節目(每晚不同節目)。

Go to Havana by bus,visit old castle,Cigar & Ram workshop,old Havana,church, square,Spanish governor house,Hemingway’s favorite bar,parliament house, revolution Square,Chinatown, Havana University etc.Cuba food or Chinese food for lunch,get back to hotel by evening,watch night show in hotel.  

D4 巴拉德羅 Varadero– 馬坦薩斯Matanzas City – 巴拉德羅Varadero 【指定專案】 (Must visit program)

晨赴馬坦薩斯觀光 :古巴歷史名城,世界第二大深水港灣,也是馬坦薩斯省的首府,建城於 1572 年,市中心廣場自由參觀,觀景臺上遠眺海灣和城市風光,睡美人山山巒疊嶂,遊覽貝拉瑪水晶洞:加勒比海地區最大最深的洞穴,小型博物館見證歷史變遷。下午返回酒店休息,並享用酒店各項娛樂設施和美酒美食。  

Visit Matanzas City,it is Cuba’s historic city,Sleeping Beauty Mountain,Bellamar Cave,

D5 國家濕地公園&自然生態遊  National wetland Park & Natural ecology tour【指定專案】 (Must visit program)

古巴著名的生態基地:關瑪國家自然保護區,棲息的物種有古巴鸚鵡等170 多種鳥類。參觀古巴最大的加勒比灣鱷養殖基地,品嘗鱷魚肉或購買鱷魚牙等製作的手工紀念品作為手信。中午品嘗特色古巴農家菜,回程獨家贈送古巴特色水果!

Go to Cuba’s famous ecological site,:Guama national nature conservation area,visit Crocodile park,Cuba local foods for lunch,treat you local fruits on the way back to hotel.

D6 私家遊艇出海巡遊+捕捉野生大龍蝦午餐+海島觀賞野生動物【自選專案】Optional program – USD$90


Take boat to the Atlantic ocean,see how boatman catch lobster, conch,fish,cook fresh lobster for lunch(1 lobster is free for everyone),you can swim in the sea or snorkel, colorful fishes are surround you.

 D7 自由活動,海闊天空,自由自我。或自願參加領隊推薦的其他深度遊行程。

Free day, or join the tour leader’s other activities recommended.

D8 巴拉德羅Varadero – 多倫多Toronto(WG685航班21:40-24:59 時間可能變動,Flight might change) 


Enjoy hotel’s facilities and programs,leave for airport in the afternoon.happy tour ends today.

酒店Hotel:全程住宿Grand Memories Varadero(or similar)


Price include: round trip flights, 7 night hotel, foods and drinks ,taxes, all inclusive,


古巴入/離境卡費:USD$25 (出發前交齊),當地推薦自費&一切私人額外費用,行李小費,床頭小費等)

Price not include:Gratuity for tour leader, local tour guide, driver(Total USD125/P for whole trip)

 Cuba tourist card fee USD25/P,optional programs, personal expense, tip for bell boy and house keeper.

指定專案: CAD$440/人(報名時收取) 


2、馬坦薩斯觀光 + 貝拉瑪水晶洞 (送門票)

3、敞篷老爺車兜風+ 網紅打卡點等



Must visit programs:CAD$440.00/P( Pay once join the tour)

1,National wetland Park & Natural ecology tour:Guama conservation area, Crocodile farm,local food lunch

2,Matanzas City Tour + Bellamar Cave

3,Old car city tour+ popular sightseeing spots

4,Horse Wagon tour+tourist market

Early birds program: double decker bus tour+shopping (One month early to join the tour)


1【自選專案一: $90 USD】哈瓦那首都一天遊 (送特色午餐)

2【自選專案二: $90 USD】私家遊艇暢遊大西洋海灣: 海島獵奇+捕撈生猛大龍蝦+新鮮烹食(每人一只)- 注:不吃龍蝦退USD$10/人。

3【自選專案三:$100USD 】哈瓦那首創夜遊博物館+首創夜遊+購物,送古城關門儀式,或頂級酒店大型歌舞表演

Optional programs

1,Havana one day tour(special lunch included)$90 USD/P

2,Atlantic Ocean Cruise :Island tour, lobster capture and cook(1 lobster for lunch included,get USD$10 refunded if not eat it)$90 USD/P

3,Night tour in Havana:Museum,shopping,castle closing gate ceremony,or performance in luxury hotel $100USD/p

兒童價: 2-12 歲兒童若占床則與成人同價【房間裏只有 1 位成人則視為兒童占床,則與成人同價】

◆ 旅遊保險和COVID醫療保險(古巴政府規定:每位入境客須持有效COVID-19醫療保險和醫療保險證明)

◆ 行李超標準收費(航空公司規定為准)

◆ 簽證: 中國、港澳、臺灣、加拿大護照免簽(須持有效入境加拿大簽證)

Price for children:2-12 yrs, use 1 bed, the same price with adult,(like 1 child share a room with an adult)

Traveller insurance and COVID insurance(Cuba government require tourists to buy Covid covered insurance)

1 checked luggage is free, carry on luggage will be charged

Visa: No visa require for China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Canada passport holder(Valid Canadian Visa request)


• 報名時每位須交訂金$200,餘款須於出發60日前付清。行程如因航班時間有所調動,團友不得有所異議或反對。

• 取消及退款細則,因應特殊情況下,本公司有權在出發前取消行程,而客人所付團費或訂金,將全數退回。本公司勿負取消行程和更改出發日期的責任。參加者若於出發前60天取消行程,將被扣訂金$200。在3159天以取消,扣團費60%。在30取消,全部團費將不獲退回。


• 10人成行,中文導遊全程跟隨。

A deposit $200.00/P is required,the balance must be paid 60 days before departure. Itinerary might be changed if necessary

Travel agency might cancel the tour for certain situation,clients will get fully refunded,

Cancellation must before 60 days, $200 charge will apply,cancellation between 31-59 days, 60% of tour Price wont be refunded,

Cancellation within30 days, not refundable.

Tour price might be change according to the season.

 Minimum 10 tourists to depart.

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