愛德華王子島多元文化節之旅 4天團

出發日期 :6月24日,7月22日,7月29日

行程亮點 :王子島年度多元文化節盛會,精彩不容錯過!

每天行程輕鬆写意,更加適合長者要求,絶不疲於奔命趕行程.  四人間  $689.00/人+稅 , 三人間 $729.00/人 +稅 ,二人間 $779.00/人+稅,单人間 $1049.00/人+稅


D1 多倫多 -愛德華王子島

宿:Cavendish Hotel 或同級
乘機(首選推薦訂F8678 18:15PM/21:15PM)飛往愛德華王子島省府夏洛特(YYG),免費接此機入住酒店(其他航班請自行入住酒店)。Fly to Charlottetown,free airport pick up only for the designated flight, hotel check in.

D2 愛德華王子島多元文化節 – 聯邦藝術中心-遊艇-天主教堂-聯邦大橋

宿:Cavendish Hotel 或同級

參加一年一度愛德華王子島多元文化節,感受盛大嘉年華,滿街歌舞,美食,節目表演,讓您感官愉悅,應接不暇。 午餐街頭美食(自費), 下午參觀聯邦藝術中心,瞭解加國聯邦成立的簽署歷史事件。乘坐水陸兩栖遊艇(自費節目)參觀市區及海岸美景。參觀天主教堂藝術傑作建築St. Dunstan’s Basilica。參觀如海上臥龍雄壯的聯邦大橋。晚餐推薦漁人龍蝦餐廳(自費)

Join the Diversecity event for half day.Visit  Confederation Centre of the Arts (Free )to learn the Province House National History ,St. Dunstan’s Basilica,Federal Bridge.etc.(Lunch&dinner local food recommended at your own)

D3 三河羅馬歷史基地-燈塔-港口風光-放生園

宿:Cavendish Hotel 或同級


Visit Roma at Three Rivers National Historic Site in Montague,Lighthouse, port scenery and animal rescue park.etc.(Lunch&dinner local food recommended at your own)

D4 安妮小屋、卡文迪什海灘公園、鄧恩藝廊、匹克碼頭

參觀<安妮的綠色山牆>這部世界名著的主人公安妮的故事發生地(含門票),這裏每年吸引著上百萬的遊客來此找尋故事的情節地。參觀卡文迪什海灘公園(含門票),感受自然之美。參觀鄧恩藝廊(免費),推薦此處花園餐廳午餐(自費),隨後參觀匹克碼頭大美海景。品嘗愛島最知名的冰激淩店(自費):Cow’s 小屋。晚餐自理。免費送機(首選推薦訂F8679  21:45PM/00:05+1,其他航班請自行離境),返回家園。                                        

Visit Anne of Green Gables,Cavendish Beach,The Dunes Studio Gallery, Peake’s wharf, Cow’s Ice cream House etc, drop off guests at the airport in the evening.   (Lunch,local food recommended at your own)

房型 (Room Type) 單人

(Single Room)


(Double Room)


(Triple Room)


(Quad Room)

團費價格Rate CAD

(HST&Taxes are included )

$1049.00/人 $779.00/人 $729.00/人 $689.00/人



The price includes HST&taxes ( the same price for Adults and Children, baby under 2 yrs is free without seat) 

the price includes: Bus cost, 3 night hotel, Tour guide ,

價格不含:往返愛德華王子島機票(推薦訂flair airlines,往返$150.00/人起),水陸兩栖船票(价格如下),正餐,小費($16/人/天,大小同價,2歲以內嬰兒免費),以及個人支出

Price exclude: Airticket, Harbour Hippo Tour ticket, 成人Adult $35 + HST(15-59Yrs)/长者Senior $29 + HST(60Yrs+)/小孩Child $21 + HST (5 -14 yrs);4Yrs and Under $5 + HST; Family $92 + HST,tip ($16 / P / D for Adult and Child, free for baby under 2 yrs ), meals and personal expenses


訂團規則 Booking Notices



行李限制: 提倡輕裝出行,每人限手提行李1件,額外寄倉行李須另外付費.



The scenic spots admission price is for reference only, the final price is subject to change without further notice,

If the minimum number of the group members can not meet the requirement,or cannot be carried out due to the force majeure, the tour fare and optional program fare will be fully refunded.

Baggage restrictions: each person is limited to 1 piece of carry on luggage, extra fee apply for second luggage.

Cancellation terms: 30% of the tour fare is not refunded if cancel 60 days before, 50% of the tour fare is not refunded 30 days before, 100% of the tour fee is not refunded within 30 days, 

Travel insurance and cancellation insurance are strongly suggested to purchased before departure to avoid losses by unexpected factors during the journey, We provides travel insurance services, welcome to get an insurance quote.